Windows 7 January 2018 update problem

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Windows 7 January 2018 update problem

Post by divinglog »

Microsoft released a faulty update during the January 2018 patchday, which is causing an exception when trying to start Diving Log. There is an official workaround on the Microsoft website: ... wpf-apps-t
Workaround 1 - Uninstall the January 2018 Update

To keep .NET 4.7.1 installed and maintain protection against vulnerabilities that are addressed by the January security updates, uninstall the January .NET Framework Security and Quality Rollup (KB4055002), and then install the January .NET Framework Security-Only Update (KB4054183).

Workaround 2 - Uninstall the .NET Framework 4.7.1, Install .NET Framework 4.7
Click the link to the Microsoft website for a detailed description.
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