Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

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Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

Post by thetib »

hello everybody

I introduce myself I am an N3 diver (3 CMAS stars)
I just registered on the forum because I just bought dive log on my iphone to synchronize my Diving Log 6.0 ( diving Log os on my PC win 10 )
Is there a way that the 2 synchronize automatically in both directions?
(for example that the iphone application will find the logbook on my server or on dropbox ...)
indeed if you have to synchronize each time manually this is not very practical

thanking you for your answers
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Re: Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

Post by thetib »

Greg answer me on vis forum

Thks Greg

Re: Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?
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Post Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:14 pm


Unfortunately, no, there is no support for "automatic" synchronization between the iPhone and Diving Log 6.0 on Windows. You can synchronize via Dropbox (or OneDrive, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, etc. depending on which services you have configured on your iPhone and PC). It is not possible to make this synchronization happen automatically (for example when you start Dive Log on the iPhone) without user intervention due to the security model of iOS. The iOS security model requires the user to identify the file that they want to work with specifically before the app can get access to that file. This is handled by iOS presenting a file picker to select the file and then Dive Log gets access to the selected file (and only the selected file).

The Import/Export/Synchronize Dive Log Logbook items (on the Synchronization tab) provide access the the cloud based files that you use to interact with Diving Log 6.0. The Import function will replace your current logbook with the one that you select in the cloud file service and, assuming that logbook has the same history as the current logbook will allow you to "merge" those changes (this is the same as the Diving Log 6.0 sync option "From iPhone") via a prompt if it is possible. The export function will upload the current Dive Log logbook to the cloud service where you can import/sync it in Diving Log 6.0 (this is the equivalent of the Diving Log 6.0 sync option "to iPhone". Finally, the Synchronize Dive Log Logbook will do the Import and Export functions in a single step (if the logbook history matches and the particular cloud service allows iOS to update the existing file). In this case, Dive Log will get the cloud logbook you select, merge the changes from it and the local changes and then replace the cloud logbook with the updated one making it available for Doing Log 6.0 to use.

This mechanism allows you to upload your changes from either device at any time and then the next time you sync o the other device pick those changes up. While this approach is forced on us due to the iOS security model, it does also have some benefits if you are traveling in an area with expensive internet access as you are fully in control of when you interact with the cloud service.

I understand that this is the model that you'd prefer. That said I think you'll find in practice it is not that inconvenient.

Please fee free to reach out with any additional questions you might have. Our support email address (support 'at' moremobilesoftware '.dot' com) is a good place to send any specific questions about your particular situation.


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Re: Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

Post by divinglog »


Yes, unfortunately there is not automatic two way sync available. Beside the limitations on the iOS side, there are other issues that does not make this possible it a reliable way. First of all we always copy the complete logbook file, which could grow a lot over time. Doing automatic constant syncs of several MB of data could be problematic with data plans or if you're in a remote locations like in most diving destinations.

Another problem are sync conflicts. If you modify both logbooks on both sides (or even more sides if you have an iPad and more than one PC), things get very complicated to resolve and will end up in mixed up data linkings. So we decided that it is better that the user is in control when to sync and into which direction.

Kind regards,
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Re: Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

Post by thetib »

I believed that if I changed my dives on the one hand on my iPhone and on the other hand on my PC during synchronization the data would merge.
So if I understand correctly when I am on a diving vacation I can create dives on my iPhone but when I come back I must synchronize from the iPhone to the PC first
Then I can complete on my PC
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Re: Is there a way that the iphone and PC synchronize automatically in both directions ?

Post by divinglog »

Yes, this is the recommended way, so you have only one "latest" logbook version. While it does work if you change both logbooks and sync from iPhone to PC and the data will be merged, it may cause sync conflicts, mostly with linked data like dive sites.

For example, you create a new dive with a new dive site on the iPhone, the dive site get's the ID 23 for example and it is linked to this new dive. When you create a new dive site on the PC, it also gets the ID 23. When you now sync the logbooks, the new site from iOS gets ID 24, but the dive is still linked to site 23 and thus points now to the new site from the PC logbook.
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