Re: phpDivingLog
It is of course difficult to help from a distance when we don't know what's going on. Have you modified the file "" and entered your database and server configuration correctly?
It is of course difficult to help from a distance when we don't know what's going on. Have you modified the file "" and entered your database and server configuration correctly?
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 15:08
Re: phpDivingLog
I didnt want to fill up this thread more with just my config issues. Didnt know if someone would be willing to working with me via email or private message to get this working.divinglog wrote:Hi
It is of course difficult to help from a distance when we don't know what's going on. Have you modified the file "" and entered your database and server configuration correctly?
Here is what I have done:
-Im using the web hosting application on a Synology DiskStation with its dynamic dns service.
-My website is
-My test page for getting my divelog going is
-On my home directory where the current index.html files reside I have two folders. The DiveLog folder has all the phpDiveLog files I downloaded. The phpMyAdmin folder obviously houses the phpMyAdmin files including my database info.

-I started by creating a phpMyAdmin database named "Dive_Log_DB" and have imported my logbook into it succesfully as I can browse my data from the phpMyAdmin menus.

-I then adjusted the file. The following items are what I changed:
$_config['webroot'] is the primary home directory wher my index.html files currently reside.
$_config['abs_url_path'} is the subdirectory and location of the phpDiveLog files.
I did not change the $_config['user_prefix'} objects as I am not really sure what this is changing or what to put here.
Then changed meter to ft, bars to psi, etc...
Here is the file.
Code: Select all
* Filename: includes/
* Function: Configuration file for phpDivingLog.
* @author Lloyd Borrett - Rob Lensen <>
* @package phpdivinglog
* @version $Rev: 217 $
* Last Modified: $Date: 2008-10-31 14:23:40 +0100 (Fri, 31 Oct 2008) $
* database settings
$_config['database_server'] = "localhost";
$_config['database_db'] = "Dive_Log_DB";
$_config['database_username'] = "MYUSERNAME";
$_config['database_password'] = "MYPASSWORD";
* Define the connection type use mysqli for php5 (check if mysqli is installed), otherwise enter mysql
* The driver mysqli is not used everywhere (planned)
$_config['database_type'] = "mysql";
* Enter prefix for single user mode (for multi user see below)
$_config['table_prefix'] = "";
* language setting determines which language file is used
$_config['language'] = "english";
* Some hosts don't support mod_rewrite, so we must have option to use old
* query strings like ?id=&user=
* If query_string = false normal rewrite is used, if set to true query string is used
$_config['query_string'] = false;
* change this to your website url
$_config['web_root'] = '';
* Your path where divelog is located
* abs_url_path = /users/j/jo/john
* Nothing todo where phpdivinglog is installed on your harddrive!
$_config['abs_url_path'] = '/divelog';
* See below for more file location settings
* Define if we need to embed phpDivinglog
* @todo make embedding possible
$_config['embed_mode'] = false;
* when view_type = 1 grid with ajax is displayed view_type = 2 old table mode
$_config['view_type'] = 1;
* When multiuser is set to true, you need to define the table prefixes
* Data for all the users should be in the same database
$_config['multiuser'] = false;
* Define the table prefix for each user
* $_config['user_prefix'][user_id] = 'table_prefix'
* The user_id should start with 1 and can be defined.
$_config['user_prefix'][1] = 'rob';
$_config['user_prefix'][2] = 'sjaak';
$_config['user_prefix'][3] = 'sjaak2';
* number of items per page in the lists
$_config['max_list'] = 15;
* Set to true if you want to display to profile in the dive detail
$_config['show_profile'] = true;
* comments in RTF format?
$_config['dlog_comments_rtf'] = true;
* specify what to show in user information
* @todo make these option work
$_config['user_show'] = true;
$_config['user_show_general'] = true;
$_config['user_show_comments'] = true;
$_config['user_show_photo'] = true;
$_config['user_show_certs'] = true;
$_config['user_show_medical'] = true;
* Enable thumbs
$_config['divepics_preview'] = true;
* Enable resizing of the uploaded pictures by GD
* If set to no, full size images will be shown and the
* thumbnails will be generated each time (cpu usage)
$_config['enable_resize'] = true;
* Set the width of the thumbnails, which are created automaticly
* Width is set in px
$_config['thumb-width'] = 100;
* Set the width of the pictures in the gallery
* Width is set in px
$_config['pic-width'] = 800;
* name of the graphic image to use as the dive profile background
* image size is expected to be 550 x 400
* set to "" for no background image
* $_config['graph_background_image'] = "images/jellyfish-and-divers.jpg";
$_config['graph_background_image'] = "";
* Set the background color for the diveprofile and pie chart
$_config['background_color'] = '#ffffff';
* set to 'true' to show Y scales on two sides
* set to 'false' to show Y scale only on left side
$_config['graph_show_two_scales'] = true;
* set to 'true' to show both metric and imperial units on chart scales
* set to 'false' to show only the length units specified by the unit conversion value
$_config['graph_show_both_units'] = true;
* set values to true if you want to convert from metric units to imperial units,
* or to false if values should be left as metric units.
* Define date format dmy- result in day-month-year
$_config['date_format'] = 'date:dmy:-';
* metres to feet
$_config['length'] = true;
* bar to psi
$_config['pressure'] = true;
* kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs)
$_config['weight'] = true;
* Celsius to Farenheight
$_config['temp'] = true;
* litres to cubic feet
$_config['volume'] = true;
* ABS path to your website (no need to change normaly)
$_config['app_root'] = ABSPATH_DIVELOG;
require_once(ABSPATH_DIVELOG . "settings.php");
-I right clicked on the website, chose inspect elements, and copied and pasted the code into the above mentioned index2.html page.
-Looking through all the code I believe I changed all the weblinks to represent my web addresses, but then I got to a java script section and it had all of the other webpages dives in it...not to mention threw the page all out of wack with boarders and whatnot, but thats small beans and I think I can figure that out on my own...but I cant get my data to show.
Here is the index2.html page code:
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<title>Michael D. Maus Jr. Log Book</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/divelog/images/favicon.ico">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/divelog/includes/divelog.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/divelog/includes/highslide/highslide.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/divelog/includes/templates/default/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/divelog/includes/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.css">
<style type="text/css">
.highslide {
cursor: url(, pointer;
.highslide-loading {
background-image: url(;
.highslide-controls {
background: url( 0 -90px no-repeat;
.highslide-controls ul {
background: url( right -90px no-repeat;
.highslide-controls a {
background-image: url(;
<script type="text/javascript" src="/divelog/includes/misc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/divelog/includes/highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function open_url(index, link){
window.location.href = '' + link + index ;
hs.graphicsDir = '';
hs.align = 'center';
hs.transitions = ['expand', 'crossfade'];
hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';
hs.fadeInOut = true;
// Add the controlbar
if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({
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interval: 5000,
repeat: false,
useControls: true,
fixedControls: 'fit',
overlayOptions: {
opacity: .75,
position: 'bottom center',
hideOnMouseOut: true
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/divelog/js/"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/divelog/includes/tabs-no-images.css">
<style type="text/css">.highslide img {cursor: url(, pointer !important;}.highslide-viewport-size {position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0}</style>
<div id="content">
<!-- Include dives_overview -->
<h1>Dive Log</h1>
<!-- Include links_overview -->
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td align="center">
<div class="divelogcrumbs">
<a href="/index.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="Show the Dive Log">Dive Log</a> |
<a href="/divegallery.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="Show the Dive Gallery">Dive Gallery</a> |
<a href="/equipment.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Equipment">Dive Equipment</a><br>
<a href="/divecountry.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Countries">Dive Countries</a> |
<a href="/divecity.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Cities/Islands">Dive Cities</a> |
<a href="/divesite.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Sites">Dive Sites</a><br>
<a href="/divestats.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="Show the Dive Statistics">Dive Statistics</a> |
<a href="/diveshop.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Shops/Centres">Dive Shops</a> |
<a href="/divetrip.php/list" class="divelogcrumbs" title="List the Dive Trips/Vacations">Dive Trips</a>
<!-- End include links_overview -->
<div class="grid-no-javascript">
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<form name="mtzgorhr" method="post" action="/">
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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%" class="grid-navigation">
<td style="white-space: nowrap;">
Showing records <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b>55</b>
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<td style="white-space: nowrap;">
Records on page:
<select name="dataGrid_recordsOnPage" class="grid-select-show-records-on-page" onchange="setRecordsOnPage(this.value)">
<option value="5">5</option><option value="10">10</option><option value="15">15</option><option value="20" selected="">20</option><option value="25">25</option><option value="50">50</option><option value="100">100</option>
<tr class="grid-column-title">
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('Number')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">#</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('Divedate')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Dive Date</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('Depth')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Max Depth</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('Divetime')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Dive Time</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('Place')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Dive Site</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('City')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Location</a>
<td class="grid-column-title-cell">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<a href="javascript:sortData('photo')" class="grid-column-title-caption-sortable" onmouseover="status='';return true">Pic</a>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">55</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">03-10-2014</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">9,1 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">35 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(55,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">54</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">20-09-2013</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">6,4 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">49 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">Strandbad Längsee</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )">St. Georgen am Längsee</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(54,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">53</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">12-09-2013</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">17,4 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">44 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">Busola</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )">Porec</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(53,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">52</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">11-09-2012</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">17,1 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">52 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">Pical</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )">Porec</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(52,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">51</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">14-07-2012</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">4,9 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">46 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">Grüner See</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )">Tragöss</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(51,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">50</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">14-07-2012</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">5,5 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">37 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">Grüner See</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )">Tragöss</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(50,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">49</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">05-07-2012</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">11,0 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">39 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(49,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">48</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">03-07-2012</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">8,5 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">35 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(48,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">47</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">18-08-2011</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">9,8 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">47 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(47,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">46</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">14-07-2010</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">9,1 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">42 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(46,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">45</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">12-09-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">9,5 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">42 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(45,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">44</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">31-08-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">9,8 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">46 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(44,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">43</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">19-07-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">8,2 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">41 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">Tauchschule Atlantis</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )">Krumpendorf</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(43,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">42</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">12-03-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">20,7 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">52 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">Abu Haschisch Süd Express</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )">Makadi Bay</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(42,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">41</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">12-03-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">20,1 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">44 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">Grand Coral</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )">Makadi Bay</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(41,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">40</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">11-03-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">23,2 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">50 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">Torfa Abu Makadi Drift</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )">Makadi Bay</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(40,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">39</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">11-03-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">24,1 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">39 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">Abu Haschisch Lagune Drift</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )">Makadi Bay</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(39,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">38</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">10-03-2009</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">18,6 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">47 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">Torfa Abu Makadi</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )">Makadi Bay</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(38,'/index.php/' )"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dive has pictures" title="Dive has pictures"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-odd" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-odd'">
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">37</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">11-09-2008</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">41,5 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">38 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">Tatjana</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )">Hvar</td>
<td class="grid-row-odd-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(37,'/index.php/' )"></td>
<tr class="grid-row-even" onmouseover="tmpClassName = this.className; this.className = 'grid-row-mouseover'" onmouseout="((tmpClassName != 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-selected') || (tmpClassName == 'grid-row-selected' && this.className == 'grid-row-mouseover')) ? this.className = 'grid-row-selected' : this.className = 'grid-row-even'">
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">36</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">10-09-2008</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">29,3 m</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">40 min</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">Smociguzika</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )">Hvar</td>
<td class="grid-row-even-cell" onclick="javascript:open_url(36,'/index.php/' )"></td>
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<!-- End include links_overview -->
<!-- End include dives_overview -->

Thank you an advance for the previous help and any future guidance and assistance you may provide.

Re: phpDivingLog
Long time ago now since I posted the last time
I did add my last dive with pictures 2 years ago. NToday I added a new dive with pictures and noticed, that the thumbs werent created anymore.
I removed all thumbs and executed the "resize.php". I am now getting the following error mesage
Long time ago now since I posted the last time

I did add my last dive with pictures 2 years ago. NToday I added a new dive with pictures and noticed, that the thumbs werent created anymore.
I removed all thumbs and executed the "resize.php". I am now getting the following error mesage
Long Version:MIME Type can't be detected
What could be the root cause?system information
- class version : 0.31
- operating system : Linux
- PHP version : 5.6.12-pl0-gentoo
- GD version : 2.1.0
- supported image types : png jpg gif bmp
- open_basedir : no restriction
- upload_max_filesize : 16G (17179869184 bytes)
- language : en_GB
source is a local file /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpdivinglog/images/pictures/IMG_1074.JPG
- local file name OK
determining MIME type
- Checking MIME type with Fileinfo PECL extension
MAGIC path defaults to /usr/share/file/magic
Fileinfo PECL extension failed (finfo_open)
- Checking MIME type with UNIX file() command
MIME type detected as image/jpeg; charset=binary by UNIX file() command
- Checking MIME type with mime.magic file (mime_content_type())
MIME type detected as image/jpeg by mime_content_type()
- Checking MIME type with getimagesize()
MIME type detected as image/jpeg by PHP getimagesize() function
- MIME type detected as by browser
- Try to guess MIME type from file extension (JPG): MIME type set to
- MIME type couldn't be detected! ()
source variables
- You can use all these before calling process()
file_src_name : IMG_1074.JPG
file_src_name_body : IMG_1074
file_src_name_ext : JPG
file_src_pathname : /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpdivinglog/images/pictures/IMG_1074.JPG
file_src_mime :
file_src_size : 176178 (max= 17179869184)
file_src_error : 0
process file to /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpdivinglog/images/pictures/
- file size OK
- error: MIME type can't be detected.
error : MIME type can't be detected.
Re: phpDivingLog
I switched back to the old resize option and tested a little bit more.
It seems the tools cannot resize 200+ Images at the same time. If I only upload 50 Pictures at the time und resize them, then it is working.
I switched back to the old resize option and tested a little bit more.
It seems the tools cannot resize 200+ Images at the same time. If I only upload 50 Pictures at the time und resize them, then it is working.
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:21
- Location: Spijkenisse
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Re: phpDivingLog
Hi All,
Before i start my question the phpDivingLog looks great at the working sites i see around
trying to get phpDivingLog working but no luck i tried 2.12 and now using the master version.
Both give strange lines on the web page but different.
I have uploaded my data to the MySQL database ti my hosted website. i did this correct as i see data in the MySQL database via the upload button direct from DivingLog to the website, on which teh DB is externally reachable.
I did as the installation guide told me as i have a standard setup.
I change the database and password accordingly and updated my url requirement.
Here follow all the changes i did in
$_config['database_server'] = "localhost";
$_config['database_db'] = "qb210257_DL_MARCO";
$_config['database_username'] = "my db login";
$_config['database_password'] = "my db password";
$_config['web_root'] = '';
$_config['abs_url_path'] = '/';
Here you can see what problems i have
Problem 1 the following lines:
Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically in /var/www/qb210257/data/www/ on line 381
Problem 2 the following
MySQL error 1146: Table 'qb210257_DL_MARCO.Logbook' doesn't exist ::
I hope anyone has an idea to solve both issues.
If more info needed please let me know
Regards Marco
Before i start my question the phpDivingLog looks great at the working sites i see around

trying to get phpDivingLog working but no luck i tried 2.12 and now using the master version.
Both give strange lines on the web page but different.
I have uploaded my data to the MySQL database ti my hosted website. i did this correct as i see data in the MySQL database via the upload button direct from DivingLog to the website, on which teh DB is externally reachable.
I did as the installation guide told me as i have a standard setup.
I change the database and password accordingly and updated my url requirement.
Here follow all the changes i did in
$_config['database_server'] = "localhost";
$_config['database_db'] = "qb210257_DL_MARCO";
$_config['database_username'] = "my db login";
$_config['database_password'] = "my db password";
$_config['web_root'] = '';
$_config['abs_url_path'] = '/';
Here you can see what problems i have
Problem 1 the following lines:
Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically in /var/www/qb210257/data/www/ on line 381
Problem 2 the following
MySQL error 1146: Table 'qb210257_DL_MARCO.Logbook' doesn't exist ::
I hope anyone has an idea to solve both issues.
If more info needed please let me know
Regards Marco
Re: phpDivingLog
phpDivinglog got a big update after some years
And many more changes, see github for details:
Code: Select all
phpDivingLog v3.1 -
* Update jqplot latest version
* Removed jpgraph
* Review a lot of PHP warnings and updated code accordingly
* Set default view to table, grid view is broken in newer versions of PHP
* Replaced mysql_* functions by mysqli_*
* Changed default to
* Massive clean-up, removed all not need libraries (MDB2,Pager,PEAR)
Re: phpDivingLog
Very interesting.
Is there an upgrade possible from the old to the new system?
Very interesting.
Is there an upgrade possible from the old to the new system?
Re: phpDivingLog
I would say:
Download via github, place it in a new folder enter your sql data in a copy (rename to and you should be ready to go.
If it works remove the old folder
Download via github, place it in a new folder enter your sql data in a copy (rename to and you should be ready to go.
If it works remove the old folder
Re: phpDivingLog
new version is running fine.
But I have another issue. I moved recently from a full blown webserver to UnRaid with Apache Docker.
I uploaded now my first dive + pictures since the move. The resizing on the Webfrontend was running without any issues, but no thumbnails for the new pictures were created. But I can access the original versions.
Can I activate a log/debug?
If I run "resize.php" then it tells me that there is no resizing needed...
new version is running fine.
But I have another issue. I moved recently from a full blown webserver to UnRaid with Apache Docker.
I uploaded now my first dive + pictures since the move. The resizing on the Webfrontend was running without any issues, but no thumbnails for the new pictures were created. But I can access the original versions.
Can I activate a log/debug?
If I run "resize.php" then it tells me that there is no resizing needed...
Re: phpDivingLog
I downsized the pictures to 800x600 with max 100kb size, now it is working.
I downsized the pictures to 800x600 with max 100kb size, now it is working.
Re: phpDivingLog
have to look into the resizing process and maybe add some checks. Thanks for the notice, added to github as issueebnerjoh wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2017 15:50 Solved:
I downsized the pictures to 800x600 with max 100kb size, now it is working.
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 15:08
Re: phpDivingLog
I updated my phpDiveLog files to the most recent set of files and I am getting a strange error. One error says it cant find the index.php file even though it is in the root folder. Do I need to adjust a config file somewhere for it to look for this file in the proper location?
I am also getting an error about a "missing" folder. I have no idea what this one is about.

I am also getting an error about a "missing" folder. I have no idea what this one is about.

Re: phpDivingLog
Looks like you're using the https protocol, but the missing files are hard coded to http
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 15:08
Re: phpDivingLog
What are the "missing" files?
I dont see a directory or a set of files with this name.
Can I simply go in and manually edit these files to https?
I dont see a directory or a set of files with this name.
Can I simply go in and manually edit these files to https?
Re: phpDivingLog
Yes, you have to edit every absolute link that is using http to https, otherwise browsers will also show a warning about "unsafe content".