Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

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Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

Post by DavidJ »

Hello all

I've been looking at the forum and I do not find a post about my issue, but I guess it has already been solved.

When I link a picture to any item (either the map section in "cities & Islands, or the photo section in "dive sites", or even the logstamps and equipment pictures....)... any picture I load into the system is shown on the android app with very low resolution... not enought to read the info...
I have the directory in the PC (under "diving log/Pictures" folder) and I can see the pictures with perfect resolution. Sometime ago, I used to copy that "pictures" folder in the "diving log" folder on android and it worked on android too... I could see those pictures at good size and resolution

It used to work, but since android 11 and the storage requirement changes, it does not work any more... I can only see a small, pixelated image...

How Can I solve thsi issue??

I'm speaking about the pictures loaded in the different logbook items, I'm not speaking about photos and photo manager (I still do not use that feature)

thank you
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Re: Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

Post by divinglog »


Yes, pictures is unfortunately difficult to get right across platforms. I will try to get this better working with the "relative path" feature, because absolute path names won't work on multiple devices.
DavidJ wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 19:23 Sometime ago, I used to copy that "pictures" folder in the "diving log" folder on android and it worked on android too... I could see those pictures at good size and resolution
Are you sure? Have you used relative path names in this case?
DavidJ wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 19:23 It used to work, but since android 11 and the storage requirement changes, it does not work any more
With the new requirement, the path for images has now changed and Diving Log is using the "Pictures" folder in the root of Android, sub folder "Diving Log". So you can try to use this folder to see if you get it working again.
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Re: Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

Post by DavidJ »

Hi Sven and Divinglog team
First off, I would like to apologice for not replying this post earlier. I had a small accident and I completely forgot about my original query.
However, I'm back here... stronger and with even more doubts to ask... :D :lol:

Related to my original query... let me provide some info:

I still have the same issue... Brevets, Stamps, dive site pictures, and any other picture are shown as thumbnails in very low resolution eventhough I have the original files within the mobile phone (I have not tried the "Media"pictures managed by the "Photo manager"...I'm only speaking about the pictures withing the divesites menu, or the brevets menus, etc..)

I do not know if somebody else has the same issue and how they have addressed it.

1. I have tried copying a test image into the path Android / data / com.divinglog.divelog / files / images (I've done it from the PC, because "Data" folder is a protected folder non accesible by the mobile file explorer
2. I checked the app and I get the same picture issue...very low resolution (thubnails from the database)
3. I tried to set the picture file from the app, but it was not possible (once again... the file explorer cannot get to that folder)

My current config is as follows:
1. PC:
Logbook file is stored in "E:\OneDrive\Documentos\Diving Log" (this is the main folder, where ALL data files as CSS, report files, template files, picture files, etc.. are stored)
Pictures are stored in "E:\OneDrive\Documentos\Diving Log\Pictures"
Withing the PC Diving log program, I have set the path of all pictures (brevets, equipment sets, fish, logstamps, divesites, and so on), so I can see the pictures pretty well
I've checked "relative path names", so I can move the full "Diving Log" folder anywhere else and it should work properly

2. Android:
At "internal Sorage", inside the former "Diving Log" folder I have copied the same folder tree as I have in the PC. Contents in both "Diving Log" folders are identical in the Mobile and the PC (including the pictures)

I understand that getting right pictures across platforms is probably one of the most challenging issues.. My point right now is as follows:
1. Android / data folder is a private, Android protected folder. It is not accesible from the file explorer app (I'm generally speaking, it may be some special app that can "break" these rules... but I'm speaking about standard apps). If you copy a file from the PC to "Android / data / com.divinglog.divelog / files / images" and then open the divelog android APP and try to set the path for that picture (i.e. to set the medical insurance, or the OWD certification) the app dialog box cannot see the "Data" folder

2. However, the "Android / media" is absolutely accesible to any app (i.e. Whatsapp stores here all their media files)
The app could create a "Divin Log / Pictures" folder, so we can sincronize the "Diving Log\Pictures" in both android and PC
With the relative path names, when we sincronice database between PC and Android device it can get the pictures from the right place and show them at their proper resolution

Is it a posibility or I'm completely wrong??
have you adressed it in another way?? In this case, could you please provide instructions??

Sorry for this long post (so long that you have probably got lost :) ), and thank you, thank you for all your help

Best regards
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Re: Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

Post by divinglog »

Hi David

Long post :o
DavidJ wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 19:32 At "internal Sorage", inside the former "Diving Log" folder I have copied the same folder tree as I have in the PC. Contents in both "Diving Log" folders are identical in the Mobile and the PC (including the pictures)
This folder is not used anymore, because of changes in Android 11. Diving Log cannot access this folder anymore after reinstalling the app.
DavidJ wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 19:32 2. However, the "Android / media" is absolutely accesible to any app (i.e. Whatsapp stores here all their media files)
The app could create a "Divin Log / Pictures" folder, so we can sincronize the "Diving Log\Pictures" in both android and PC
With the relative path names, when we sincronice database between PC and Android device it can get the pictures from the right place and show them at their proper resolution
That's what Diving Log does now, it creates a "Diving Log" folder in the "Pictures" folder of Android and stores all new images there.
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Re: Dive site pictures, cities map picture, and other pictures issues

Post by DavidJ »

Hi Sven

I must be doing something wrong, because I cannot get to see the pictures properly... I still see the Thumbnails..
On the folder
\\internal storage\Pictures\Diving Log
I have created the full set of sub-folders: "Place", "LogStamp", "Brevets", "Equipment Sets" and "fish" and copied the files withing the folders

Now, I open diving log app, go to (in example) "logbook", "divesites" and select any divesite...when I go to "photo" and click to enlarge it, I still see the blurry, thumbnail image instead of seeing the "high resolution" image stored in the pictures\diving log folder

Can you give me a few guidelines?? because I cannot see any picture/photo in full size with the right definition...I see the pixelized picture

Thank you
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